The Only One Who Cares: An Australian Open Preview

NOTE:  I wrote this on Sunday, but never finished the 6-part post.  And, yes, all of these predictions were done before the tournament got underway–if you don’t believe me, check out what happened to my predicted semifinalist, Andy Murray, in the first round.  Anyway sorry it took so long to get this out, I hate it when real life gets in the way.  I can’t wait until someone decides to pay me for this stuff (just like when I was 13 and I thought someone would pay me to play 162 games for them at shortstop every year…)

I don’t know if anyone has heard, but there are NFL playoff games today.  I know, I know, it’s hard to focus on multiple sports at the same time, but we need to remember that there are other sporting events that happen, even on unofficial opening day of the professional tennis season.  See if you can tear yourself away from pre-game Australian Open analysis to catch a few snaps of the divisional playoff games because, remember, as excited as you and I may be for the Aussie Open, it does go on for two weeks, so catch some of those NFL games.

Anyway, I know that I might be the only American citizen who even knows that the Australian Open is starting tonight, let alone actually cares enough to watch it, but that isn’t going to stop me from posting some relatively uneducated commentary on one of my absolute favorite sports.

The next five posts (one for each section of the four sections of the draw and then one for the Final 16) will be my Australian Open preview, but keep in mind that it requires a full-time dedication in the United States to really follow tennis because no one cares.  For this reason, I can never be called an “expert,” but, I do feel like I watch enough tennis to informatively preview the major tournaments.  And, even if I am wrong about this, being “informed” has never stopped me before from giving my opinion.

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