Category Archives: Questions of the Day

BSB Question of the Day

What are the chances that the Eagles gameplan was at least a little “vanilla” last Sunday, knowing that they might be playing the Cowboys again in the playoffs this week?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

If you were Ruben Amaro, would you trade Cole Hamels for Roy Halladay?

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Question of the Day: Game 2 Starter?

Assuming Cole Hamels will be the Game 1 starter, who should get the ball in Game 2?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Are you more confident about the Phillies playoff chances than you were last year at this time?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Who is a better matchup for the Phils in the Division Series–the Rockies or the Dodgers?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

When does Charlie consider taking Lidge out of the closer’s role?  And, if he does, to whom does he turn?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

So………….do we root for Michael Vick?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

If Brett Myers comes back in two weeks, what role does he fill?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

How much of a downgrade from Halladay is Cliff Lee?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Since the Phils seem dug in to not give up both and the Blue Jays will surely demand AT LEAST one, who would you rather the Phils give up for Halladay:  Happ or Drabek? Honestly, I’d give up Happ before … Continue reading

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