Category Archives: Questions of the Day

Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

PREFACE:  The question is completely hypothetical (and will not influence any actual gambling outside of a Vegas sportsbook), but the following point spreads are real: Seattle (+8) at GREEN BAY Jacksonville (+13) at NEW ENGLAND San Diego (+8.5) at INDIANAPOLIS New York (+7.5) at DALLAS  Say, … Continue reading

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

In recognition of Kansas State’s 85-25 win over Savannah State tonight, what is the most lopsided game that you’ve ever seen? PS…Kansas State shot 28-55 (50.9%), while Savannah State shot 9-58 (15.5%).  Michael Beasley had as many points as the … Continue reading

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Where does Brian Westbrook’s “non-TD” in the final minute in a week of fantasy football playoffs rank among the greatest moments in sports that didn’t actually matter in the game?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

In what order would you rank each division in the NFL?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

 Has there been a better name than that of the agent for Billy Wagner and Francisco Cordero:  Bean Stringfellow?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Say, hypothetically, Lovie Smith totally lost it, and gave up on Griese and Sexy Rexy (and, honestly, that might not be that crazy) and incorporated the following offensive strategy:  10 offensive lineman–or your 10 best run blockers–and a 15-yard shotgun … Continue reading

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Who would you rather have, considering the market price (salary plus trade chips, if not a free agent this offseason): Alex Rodriguez, Mike Lowell, Miguel Cabrera, Miguel Tejada or Scott Rolen? Same question for the following free agent pitchers: Bartolo … Continue reading

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

Has there been a better team (in our lifetime), in any sport, than the 2007 New England Patriots?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day?

A shameless setup (but, it’ll be worth it, trust me): How awful is the current Knicks’ situation?

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Cimorelli’s Question of the Day

I heard a quote somewhere, I think it was Voltaire, saying: “Judge a man by the questions he asks, not by those he answers.”  If this is true, then I ought to be judged well because I’m an idiot, and … Continue reading

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